Kildimo Community Council 2009
L to R .
Back Row: Catríona Griffin, Ballynacarriga; Kristin Collopy, Old Kildimo; Pat Costello, Coolbeg; John Griffin, Old Kildimo; Armelle Mangan, Curraheen; Michael Coughlan, Court and Tommy McCann, Old Kildimo.
Front Row: Maurice Dolan, Ballyvareen; Margaret McCarthy, Coolbeg; Tommy O’Shea (Chairperson), Ballyvareen; Dermot Mullane, Ballyvareen and Morgan McDonagh, Ballycasey.
Missing from photograph : Sarah Beard, Ballycasey; Phyl Fitzgerald, Court; Mary Conway, Ballycasey; Shirley Sterritt, Knockroe; Anita O’Hanlon, Ballyculhane; Darren O’Shea, Ballyvareen; Patrick Flannery, Faha; Tony O’Shea, Old Kildimo; Siobhán Guinan, Ballyvareen; Peter McCormack, Old Kildimo; Michael Battles, Ballyvareen and Dympna Cahill, Old Kildimo
A new book shortly to be published by Dr. Pádraig O’Riain of Cork University will give the definitive knowledge on the Saint who gives his name to Kildimo. Unfortunately, while this may be the present authoritive knowledge on Díoma, there is still much that is vague about him, hardly surprising given the time that has elapsed in the meantime. His full name was Díoma Dubh (Black) and was the son of Aonghas. Another source gives him as born in Killinaboy, Co. Clare and there are places in both Clare and Galway also associated with him. Indeed there is also a possibility of a connection with the area of the Diocese of Connor in Co. Antrim. The early biographers give him as on of the ruling tribe of Thomond, no doubt to enhance his prestige. For a similar reason possibly, it is stated that St. Declan of the Déise in Waterford, studied under him. It is interesting to speculate if that took place here in Kildimo and if we once had a prestigious monastic school in the locality.
Past pupils of the College are meeting for Mass on Sunday, October 11, at 2.00 pm in the College Church. This event celebrates the Order’s ninety years in Pallaskenry. Following Mass, there will be an opportunity to meet old pals over refreshments in the Refectory.
First Year Students are invited to an Open Night on Wednesday, October 14, in the School Hall with an address by the Principal.
The school branch of the Credit Union in conjunction with Cois Sionna Credit Union is open each Tuesday at 1.30 pm.
Congratulations to ‘Guess the Score’ winners of the All-Ireland Football Final. 1st Prize to Diarmuid O’Connor, Clarina, 2nd Prize to Kevin O’Connell, Pallaskenry and 3rd Prize to Patsy Harte, Mellon, Kildimo.
5th Year LCVP students are organising GOAL Jersey Day on Friday, 9th October 2009 and money will go towards John O’Shea’s charity organisation GOAL for ongoing relief work in Africa.
Welcome back to the Transition Year Students who had a fantastic time in Cappanalea over the weekend. Many thanks to Mr. Lavan and Mr. McGreal who accompanied the group. The students will continue with their Youth Leadership Alive N’Avail on Friday starting at 9am to 12.30pm and on Friday they will start their golf lessons in Limerick Co. Golf Club in Ballyneety.
Kildimo Youth Club: students from Kildimo are welcome to attend registration night with parent in Kildimo Library from 8 to 9pm on Thursday October 1, 2009.
Limerick Co. Co. Arts Office is marking ‘National Poetry Day, on this Thursday October 1, with ‘Soundings’ a celebration of poetry at NCW Library at 8.00 pm. Invited guests include Joan McBreen from Sligo and Co. Galway who is widely published. Local Poet from Killarney and well known here in literary circles, namely Eileen Sheehan, will also read.
Joe Gleeson is hosting another of his popular Table Quizzes on Monday October 12 in the Corner House Pallaskenry. Tables cost €40 for four and questions begin at 9.00 pm sharp. The Cari Foundation will benefit from this event and this worthy cause depends largely on voluntary subscriptions to pursue it aims so your presence will be much appreciated on the night.
Feeding the hungry is what we once learned in school as one of the corporal works of mercy. Kilcornan Christians are well imbued with this virtue and are exercising it in a practical way on this Sunday October 4 after Mass at 12 noon in the Community Centre. They have adopted the less fortunate area of Twelishle in South Africa where the preoccupation of many is with having enough to eat. This is not the first time that Kilcornan has sent aid to this impoverished area and your continued help will be most appreciated by organisers and their recipients.
Following the parents information evening in the Library, the registration of youth club members will take place on Thursday, October 1 at the same venue from 8.00 to 9.00 pm. Intending members must be accompanied by parent/guardian and a registration fee of €10 is payable per member. Any additional family member is only €5.00. The Club commences on Friday, October 9 at the Salesian Secondary School Hall. Any enquiries in regard to the club or offers to help, should be made to Dermot Mullane, Ballyvareen at
The farming community of Court and particularly the family of O’Shea has received a boost in the new arrival of Jack, a big baby with strong prospects for undertaking future robust farming activities. Mary (nee Kelleher) and Morgan are congratulated along with the Grandparents Mary and John and Mary’s mother Kay Kelleher in Athlacca.
A very successful demonstration of the various skills of karate was conducted by the Twin Dragon Karate Association and the local Pallaskenry Club at Buttercup Farm recently. The ‘Jack & Jill’ foundation will benefit financially from the event. Sensei Matt Fitzgerald was well pleased with his students skills and new pupils are always welcome to his classes. Photographs of the above demonstration and class times and details may be had on
The following, whose anniversaries occur around this time are remembered and Masses are being arranged:
James and Margaret Woods,Kilmoreen, Nora Stokes, Milford, ( Friday October 2nd, at 7.30 pm) and Noel Hayes, Mellon( Sunday October 4th at 11.00)
Solas na ngrást dóibh uilig.
Tickets are limited by seating for the Liam Lawton Concert in St. Joseph’s Church, Kildimo, on December 4. To make sure of your seat the €25 ticket may be bought in advance from any member of the Pastoral Council or after Mass on October 3 and 4.
Bantracht Na Tuaithe Cill Díoma
Members are reminded of the forthcoming guild meeting on Wednesday next October 7th at ‘The Seven Sisters’Pub, Old Kildimo.Activities commence at 8pm
followed by a mini auction in aid of ACWW. All contributions including home produce ,plants etc are very welcome towards this annual fundraiser..
In the weekly draw on September 22, numbers 8, 14, 18 & 26 were the winning combination for a Jackpot of €2,900. As no punter made the winning prediction, five ‘Lucky Dips’ were drawn for prizes of €20 each, which went to Louise Byrnes, Thomas & Tara Lyons, Ger Griffin, Ben Griffin and Karen, Rebecca & Emma.
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