OCTOBER 5 2010
n October 5, 2010, the community of Kildimo was shocked to hear of the sudden death of their esteemed elder citizen, Willie Harte. The unpleasant discovery of his death was noticed by the keen observation of Albert Lawlor who arrived that morning to read the ESB meter. Since the passing of his wife Nano, (nee Fitzgerald) only twenty months previously, Willie’s life had a gaping chasm that only death would fill. Their marriage of 73 years is now sealed forever to the comfort of his family and friends. While Nano was also in her ninety sixth year, Willie was within a month of the same age and for him this was all passed without recourse to any help from medical science.
The late Willie was born in Askeaton in 1914, into a family of four brothers and three sisters of whom two brothers and one sister survive. Like his peers at the time, he left school after National level and worked for a variety of farmers. In the employment of the Smith family in Stonehall House, he met Nano and their wedding took place in the Church of St. John the Baptist in Kilcornan. In common with the times of the 1930’s, the young couple returned to work that same day and set up in a rented home in Kilmacat. When the house became available in Ballynacarriga, they moved scarcely a mile to where they were to spend their entire married life. It was here that their two sons Patsy and Michael were born and also daughter Mary.
No stranger to hard work, Willie rose to Ganger level in the County Council roads division, following which he followed many another to take up employment in the Cement Factory in Mungret. Up to his final years and after he retired from the factory, he was always on hand to help neighbours who needed any small building jobs. His robust health ensured that no task was likely to daunt him. He still found time at home to cultivate his flower and vegetable gardens and keep chickens and ducks with the help of Nano. He was very attached to his dog who stayed with him until the end.
An enduring interest of Willie was in hurling with the local club, a love he passed on to his two sons. The proudest moment of his long hurling career was gaining victory over our eastern neighbours in the City Final replay of 1958. On that occasion having his two sons Patsy and Michael on the same team, which by any record must be a justifiable reason for his pride, enhanced the win. Rivalry with the Ballybrown club was a daily source of banter among the workmates at the factory and Willie never lost an opportunity to remind his Ballybrown daughter-in-law of their win in 1958.
The strong constitution and good health of Willie was marked by his heading a unique Harte dynasty reaching to five generations through his son Patsy and four through Michael. In all he leaves ten grandchildren, thirteen great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. In a heartfelt tribute at his funeral mass, Michael’s daughter Gemma paid tribute to the grandparents whom they visited every Sunday morning when Nano insisted on their having “proper food” for their nurture, a tradition that continued with the help of his daughter Mary until his death.
His funeral Mass was celebrated in the Church of St. Joseph, Kildimo on October 7 2010 by Fathers Donworth, P.P, and fathers McIntyre and Loftus of the Salesian community and Fr Sean Stokes who was a former hurling team mate of Willie’s. Internment took place beside his wife in Kilcornan graveyard within sight of the church in which they wed and near Old Stonehall where their happy alliance begun. Kildimo GAA Club members provided a guard of honour at his funeral and his coffin was draped in the blue and white which he wore with pride and distinction for his adopted parish.
Ni imithe uainn ach imithe rómhainn
St Brigid's Well ,Cartown,Kildimo Jan 30 2011
The unexpected death of Mrs Kitty Wrenn (nee O’Grady) ,Castletown on Friday January 29 2011 RIP. was received with shock and sadness by all who knew her. Mrs Wrenn is deeply mourned by her daughter Ann, sons David, Edward, Fr Tim SDB, sister Jane, brother Sean, grandchildren, great grandchildren,extended family, neighbours and friends, to whom condolences are extended. Her removal took place on Tuesday February 1 to St John the Baptist Church, Kilcornan, and following Requiem Mass on Wednesday February 2 in Kilcornan Church at 12.00, her remains were interred with her late husband David in Kilcornan cemetery.
May she rest in Peace.
As you must be aware, funds are being made available for the upgrading of Slattery’s corner and the bend at Bolane. You may learn all about these projects and more by attending the next consultative meeting which takes place at the ‘Seven Sisters ‘ Pub, Old Kildimo on Wednesday February 23. at 8pm Plans for the village are reaching an advanced stage and will shortly be submitted to the Co. Co. for final approbation. The Community Council are constantly working for the betterment of the community and are meeting members of Shannon Development on Wednesday, February 2 at ‘De Bucket’ at 2.00 pm, with a view to upgrade Kildimo as a tourist venue and on the tourist literature emanating from Shannon Development.
Unfortunately in this enlightened age there is still a need to support women who are the victims of domestic abuse and the services of ADAPT are well recognised for their work in this regard. An initiative in West Limerick also offers support services in NCW, where trained facilitators are available to assist with information and help. A support group will shortly be set up for past victims of abuse who have had a breathing space from their abusive relationship of at least three months. Should yourself or a close friend of yours be in need of such services there is an ‘outreach’ facility where victims may be interviewed in privacy and with discretion in an effort to ensure the safety of those involved. In addition a twenty-four hour Helpline is available through ADAPT at 1800 200 504 or you may make contact through their local number (061) 412354. The services of ADAPT are very comprehensive offering safe accommodation for families and care of children and teenagers.
While vapour trails were drawn overhead by screaming jets and the local shooting fraternity indulged their passion for loud noises, adherents of the cult of St. Brigid met at the well in Cartown to pay homage to the ‘Mary of the Gael’. Fr. Donworth took time out of his busy schedule to lead the believers in prayer on Sunday, January 30, being the nearest Sunday to her feastday on February 1. This year Pat Hevenor was present in spirit only while his family continued the tradition of caring for the enclosure on the lands of the Kennedy’s at Cartown. It is reputed to have been a man named Cleary who lived in the Cartown lodge who began the local tradition. The belief is still alive in some of the visitors who took away the water that it has the ability to conquer blindness.
Congratulations to Brenda and Michael McMahon of Ballynacarriga who recently added a ninth grandchild to their growing dynasty. Fiona and Michael (Jnr) took delivery of their first child, a girl, coincidentally on their second wedding anniversary on January 30. Best wishes go to the happy parents in Nottingham where they presently reside.
The local club is holding a fundraising ‘table quiz’ on Friday, February 18. Such efforts are vital in promoting the activities of the club, so come along and join in the fun. The Dromore Inn is the venue and you should have your team in place at €5 each for kick off at 8.30 pm. Congratulations to club member Kyle Hayes on his selection for the Kennedy Cup Squad.
A Cookery Demonstration sponsored by Odlums and Limerick Federation ICA with well known TV personality Catherine Leyden will take place in Woodlands Hotel, Adare on Wednesday February 23, 2011 commencing at 8pm. Tickets €20 each are available from all Guild and Federation members.
Céad mile Fáilte to all.
Parish clerk Anne Hayes is very appreciative of your generosity towards her annual collection, which took place on Saturday last at Kildimo Mass. Anne’s devotion to duty in this role is widely acknowledged throughout the parish and long may she keep up the good work.
The Lotto draw of on January 25, was for a prize of €7,700 and no punter predicted the winning combination of 7, 11, 16 & 27. In consequence, ‘Lucky Dips’ of €20 each were drawn by Pat Costello, Kildimo; Bernie Nolan, Old Kildimo; Alison Griffin, Old Kildimo; Dylan Hogan, Pallaskenry and Karen, Rebecca and Emma, Pallaskenry. When you next visit the P.O., De Bucket, Slattery’s or the Dromore Inn, be sure to fill in your lucky numbers where a minimum investment of €2 could realise a handsome dividend which no bank will match!
The monthly ‘On the Nail’ reading sessions continue at the Locke Bar, George’s Quay, with the next meeting on Thursday February 3 from 8.00 pm. Such sessions are attracting writers and readers for the enjoyment of prose, poetry and music and are organised by the Limerick Writers’ Centre, where you too may take the open-mic and share your work with like-minded literati.
The Writers Centre based at the Leamy School, Hartstonge St. are offering a Short Story Writing Course which begins on Wednesday, February 23, running for six weeks from 7 to 9 pm. The tutor for the course is Mary Bradford who has written extensively for popular magazines and for ‘Sunday Miscellany’. All the necessary aspects of short-story writing will be covered and you’ll be expected to share your work with other course participants. The fee is €90 or €80 concessionary. Contact Dominic at 087 2996409 to book or contact limerickwriterscentre@gmail. com.
On Thursday, February 3 2011, there will be no school for students due to 2nd, Transition and 5th Year Parent Teacher Meeting: 9.00 – 12.00pm 2ndYears, and 1.00 – 4.00pm Transition & 5th YearsThe annual musical will take place on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 24 to 26, 2011. This year’s production is Chicago. Cost of tickets: Adult €12, Student/Children €6 and Family (2+2) €30.
1st and 2nd year students studying French for their Junior Certificate will travel to Paris from Wednesday, March 23 to Saturday, March 26, 2011.
2nd and 5th year students studying Spanish for their Junior Certificate will travel to Barcelona from Wednesday, April 6 to Sunday, April 10, 2011.
1st year students will travel to Connemara to participate in outdoor education activities from Monday, March 14 to Wednesday, March 16, 2011.
Mid Term Break Supervised Study for 3rd and 6th year students will commence on Monday to Friday, February 21 to 25, 2011, from 10am to 4pm daily.
5th year students will start their weeks work experience on Monday, March 7, for one week.
On Tuesday February 15, the title of the lecture is ‘The Building Boom of the Middle Ages: Limerick’s Tower Houses, again at 8.00 pm. Dr. Colm Donnelly will present this. These series of lectures are very popular so early seating is advised.
The ‘Kildimo News Website’ is proving a popular venue for disseminating the local news to interested persons outside the area. In the month straddling Christmas, nearly seven hundred accessed the site for news of Kildimo. The majority of these came from Ireland itself, following which in popularity of places were the U.K., U.S.A., Isle of Man, Germany, Australia, Canada, Netherlands and Spain. A large amount of those who read our news items were interested in Madeline Mulqueen and her recent rise to stardom in the role of bridesmaid in the u-tube hit, ‘There’s a horse outside’. In all people from twenty six countries visited the news site. It would be interesting to receive feedback from some of these and news of their present activities. We do know that John Cahill from the U.S. is a regular visitor to the blog site as he likes to keep in touch with the place (Mount Pleasant) from where his mother emigrated to New York many moons ago. You might remind your family and friends abroad about this means of keeping in touch.
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