'Obair na mBan X' Nov 12th 2009 NCW L to R.Bridie O'Connor,Castlemahon,Pat Cronin,Feenagh & Rita Horgan,Mainistir na Féile

Betty Quaid,Adare,Dolores Dinneen,Ballingarry & Mary O'Rourke,Kildimo at opening of Killulta ICA art Exhib in NCWest library
A very special ‘Rambling House’ comes to the Seven Sisters Pub, Old Kildimo on Friday, November 20. Joe Harrington will host the show while Seamus Sheehy supplies the music. But the top event will be the launch of the first professional recording of ‘That old home town of mine’, or sometimes called ‘The Boys of the Line’. This unique recording is by Kildimo’s own Doris (Costello) Shire, otherwise known internationally as ‘The Mungret Nightingale’. Doris has just returned from yet another British tour with the ‘Rambling House’ artists and many of these will be with her for this evening. These include such as Chrissie Roche and her grandson Darren from Castlemahon along with Tom O’ Donoghue. This will be a historic event for Kildimo so make sure that you’ll be part of it. Doris didn’t steal her talent, coming from such parentage as the late Billy and Meta, both of whom were talented public performers.
The local ICA painters group ‘The Killulta Painters’ have had their current exhibition launched in the Library, NCW. Rushing from the television studios in Dublin to perform the honours, the new ICA National President, Ann-Marie Dennison, opened the exhibition. The artistic ladies showed their appreciation for Ann-Marie’s services by the doyenne of the group and prolific painter Mary Ellen Griffin’s words of thanks and presentation to Madam President. ICA members from both east and west of the county attended along with their Federation President Marie Hayes of Cappamore. The exhibition continues and you may add your red spot to the exhibition by securing that special gift for Christmas.
The following, whose anniversaries occur around this time are remembered and Masses are being arranged: Naresh Chaudri, Carheeny, Patsy Gleeson, Mellon,
Aiden and Rose Ryan (Thursday 19 at 10.00), James O’Rourke, Clooncaura (Friday 20 at10.00) and Eileen Madigan, Clooncaura, Sunday 22 at 11.00.
Mass for the deceased members of the Civil Defence will be celebrated in St Joseph’s Church, Kildimo on this Wednesday November 18 at 11am
Solas Na ngrást dóibh uilig.
It was with sadness that the death of Br Joe Nealon, Presentation Brothers, and Cork and formerly of Middlefield and Old Kildimo was received in the
Community last week. Joe is deeply mourned by his sisters Bridget Madigan, Old Kildimo, and Eileen Nealon, San Antonio, cousins Mikie Nealon and family, Middlefield and Sr Rita Nealon, Mexico together with his brother in-law Patrick Madigan, other relatives, friends and his Religious Community to whom deepest sympathy is extended. His funeral took place on Saturday last November 14, following Requiem Mass in Christ the King Church, Turners Cross, to
The Presentation Community Cemetery Mount St Joseph’s, Blarney Street, Cork
Go dtuga Dia Suaimhneas sioraí da anam agus sólas da mhuintir atá ag caoineadh a bháis.
You’ll be pleased to know that the local community notes are among the most popular to receive ‘hits’ via the Internet. Naturally the more numerous of these from outside Ireland is from the British mainland, with a surprising number from the Isle of Man. A reader in Texas, who made a hit, expressed an interest in our local patron Saint Díoma who featured recently in the local notes. Others who made contact were from the USA and Australia and some from other destinations abroad. You might like to let your family and friends abroad know of this popular way to keep in touch with home by accessing the site at the Kildimo News Blogspot.
This year’s Christmas Party is being held at the usual venue ‘The Seven Sisters’ on December 13, at 3.00 pm. In order to plan the event and ensure its success for all participants, it is important to fill in the Application Form which is available from the school, the Post Office and the above venue and to have this returned by Friday, November 20. To secure a present from Santa a donation of €5 is necessary and for a photograph €3. The Community Council and the local Youth Club will host the Disco, the Children’s Games and the Face Painting. A fun day is assured.
Your own local history society invites you to their next lecture by Br. John Feheney, Presentation Brother. Br. John has done extensive research into people in the Kenry barony and much of it may be found in his publication, ‘Askeaton/Ballysteen, A Biographical Dictionary’. The title of Br. John’s talk on November 27 is, ‘The Gentry of Kenry’, during which we’ll no doubt learn about the Wallers of Castletown and the Westropp’s of Mellon, among others. The venue is the Religion Room of Copswood College, courtesy of the school authorities and the talk begins at 8.00 pm. All welcome, free of charge.
Everyone is aware of the shameful slaying of Shane Geoghegan that occurred in Dooradoyle a year ago. Should you wish to contribute to the Shane Geoghegan Trust, then Des MacMahon of Limerick School of Art would like to hear from you. The aim of the above trust is to offer hope where youth feel hopeless and to thus ensure their well-being and their positive role in society. Des is soliciting art works for an auction in aid of the trust, which will be held on December 9. A second opportunity for artists to get involved in this charity event is by submitting postcard sized art works. These will be offered for €25 and selection of art works will be on a random ticket raffle. The identity of the artist will not be known until the winner secures their winning artwork. The event will take place at the Church venue at the Art College premises on Clare Street. Should you or any artist known to you wish to participate, please contact Des at 086 8246760 or be e-mail at desmcmahon@lit.ie.
Continuing their series of artistic and cultural events, Limerick Co. Co. Arts Office are holding ‘Women’s Voices/Women’s Stories’ at three different locations during November. Performing artists includes singer Noreen Ní Riain, Cora Fenton of ‘Call Back Theatre’ and poet Eileen Sheehan. All events begin at 3.30 pm. On November 22 the venue is Glenstal Abbey with Co. Limerick Youth Choir. Any enquiries should be directed to arts@limerickcoco.ie or 061 496498/496300.
To receive a handmade Christmas card is a gift in itself and something to treasure. If you happen to be on the mailing list of the local ICA ladies this Christmas you just might receive such a gift. The Kildimo ICA ladies are currently designing their own cards, which will be on display at their December meeting in The Seven Sisters Pub, Old Kildimo with a prize for the winning entry.
Following months of work on behalf of the school principal, staff, Board of Management and the Parents Association, the opening of the new school extension took place on Thursday, November 12. Bernard Gloster from the Board of Management opened the proceedings and the Manager Fr. Donworth gave his blessing to the project. In the Principal’s address in which she gave due thanks to all who made the extension possible, Olive also imparted the good news of an additional funding hike from the Department of Education which will ease the burden of local fundraising. Entertainment on the evening was provided by the combined talents of the school children. A large celebratory cake was the work of Frances Wallace and many others such as Willie Curtin gave their voluntary help to make the evening such a resounding success for the very large contingent who turned up.
Geoff Hunt is leading a nature study outing to Ringmoylan Pier on behalf of Birdwatch Ireland on Sunday morning, November 22, at 10.00 am. Come suitable attired and become acquainted with the estuary birds under Geoff’s expert direction. He may be contacted on 087 7656439 for further details.
The AGM of Community Alert is being held on this Thursday, November 19 in the Library at 8.00 pm. The outgoing committee has been working hard behind the scenes to assess the needs of the most vulnerable in our local area and to secure funding to meet such security needs. Needless to say, funding from central coffers is not easily secured in these straitened times and local fundraising may be necessary to fulfil the needs of this committee. Your opportunity to lend a shoulder to the wheel is thereby solicited. Ní neart go cur le céile.
The Devon Inn is the venue for the homecoming concert to celebrate yet another of the successful British tours of the ‘Rambling House’. An enjoyable evening is assured on December 3 when the artists will present their talents for the home audience. Of interest to Kildimo patrons will be our own local songstress Doris Shire, nee Costello, sister of Des the talented bodhrán virtuoso. Doris has many recordings to her credit, but her highest local credit must go to her recording of Kildimo’s own anthem, ‘That old home town of mine’. This was written by Kildimo man Denis O’Brien while he was an emigrant in the U.S. and it recalls his nostalgia for the ‘line’ and his companions who frequented it in his youth.
This is the forty-seventh such event of the Club and it marks a major fundraising initiative for the successful running of the Pool. Sunday November 29 from 2.30
Onwards and your support would be appreciated.
In the weekly draw on November 10, numbers 7, 19, 22 & 25 were the winning combination for a Jackpot of €34. As no punter made the winning prediction, five ‘Lucky Dips’ were drawn for prizes of €20 each, which went to Kay Coughlan, Eimear & Peter Hickey, John Walsh, Michael Coughlan & Maura Hickey.
A unique opportunity to get some handmade jewellery in advance of the Christmas rush is offered by ‘Duireanna Designs’; handmade beaded costume items to add even more beauty to the beautiful in your life. And should there be more than on such beauty in your life, if you buy any two sets of jewellery, you get another set for that third special person! This is a once off event from midday to 6.00 pm at the Library Dooradoyle on Thursday, November 19. Emma will supply a catalogue to those who ring her on 086 3855649 or to arts@limerickcoco.ie or 061 496498/496300.
If you’re interested in the role of the Irish Wildlife Trust in relation to conservation, then there’s no better than the Chairman of that Trust, namely Padraic Fogarty to enlighten you. The venue for his presentation is Glenstal Library, Murroe which is behind the Abbey Church. That’s this Thursday, November 19 at 8.00 pm.
Congratulations to the following who received Sportsmanship awards at Rathkeale Community centre on Sun. last.: Liam Wilson, Emma Curran, Akash Chaudri, Christopher McMahon, U10 Draughts team and U13 Girls Rounders team. Best of luck to Noelle Nicholson who will be taking part in the national Over Youth Sportsmanship competition on Saturday Nov 21 in Ballinasloe.
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