Thursday, April 14, 2011


COMMUNITY LOTTO JACKPOT €8,150 AND RISING: The Lotto draw of on April 5, was for a prize of €8,200 and no punter predicted the winning combination of 7, 13, 22 & 27.  In consequence, ‘Lucky Dips’ of €20 each were drawn by Eric Nolan, Old Kildimo; Margaret McCarthy, Coolbeg; Ger Healy, Adare; Mary Ellen Griffin, Old Kildimo and Gerry O’Shea, Glenameade.  When you next visit the ‘The Seven Sisters’, Post Office, ‘De Bucket’, Slattery’s or the Dromore Inn, be sure to fill in your lucky numbers where a minimum investment of €2 could cover your holiday costs. 

DEFIBRILLATOR: Mary O’Brolcháin is still taking names for defibrillator training for new participants.  When training days are finalised in May, the original group of trainees will be contacted for their refresher course. You need have no fears about taking on this training as it is comprehensive and ‘hands on’ and modern defibrillators are fully automated to guide you through their usage in emergencies, so you’ll do no harm to prospective patients.  Contact Mary on 087 6226332 for further information.

BANTRACHT NA TUAITHE:Kildimo members extend their sympathy to their colleagues in Clarina ICA on the recent death of Lorrie Crosse whose funeral took place on Sunday April 10 ,following Requiem Mass in her native Ballybrown to Kilkeady cemetery.Condolenceas to her nieces Martina and Catherine,cousins,extended family and friends on her passing.May she rest in peace.

CAR BOOT SALE & INDOOR MARKET: The monthly car boot sale and indoor market in aid of WL 102fm will be held at the Community Centre, NCW on Sunday, April 17 with gates opening at 7.30am.  Further details from 087 6866450.

MILFORD CARE CENTRE:  The fundraising committee of the centre wishes to acknowledge their thankfulness to those who conducted the Churchgate Collection recently.  The €800 collected will be channelled towards caring for patients in need of specialist assistance in the Care Centre or in the home.

‘WEST LIMERICK LOCAL’: The tenth edition of this free magazine is in shops and Post Offices locally and apart from the useful advertisements of local services it contains much professional advice on a wide variety of matters.  If athletes foot is not your present problem, then gardening or accountancy or bullying at work may interest you.  The list of emergency telephone numbers on page 26 would be useful to have near your phone in the event of an emergency requiring Gardaí, medical or other intervention.  The colour cover exhibits a variety of art work from the Askeaton Art Group demonstrating a multitude of artistic interests and styles. 

KENRY HISTORY SOCIETY: Spring turns local historians’ interests towards touring the rich heritage all around us!  The old Irish tuath of Iverus on the western borders of Kenry will be the location of our first outing this year and we are fortunate to have as leader on the day, Br John Feheney native of the place.  The tour will take place on a Sunday afternoon from 3.00 pm but the date and gathering venue has not yet been fixed.  You’ll be reminded as and when Br John finalises the details.  The area has a rich historical heritage of churches, castles and country houses about which John is the undisputed expert. 
COMMUNITY GAMES: Congratulations to Liam Wilson who won the boys u12 400m cross country final in Mick Neville Park, Rathkeale on Sunday last and now goes on to represent Kildimo/Pallaskenry at the national finals in Athlone in May. Congratulations also to Zara O Donnell who won silver in the girls u11 600m.
The annual church gate collection takes place this coming week end at both churches. All support would be appreciated.

HISTORY LECTURE:  The lectures of the Thomond Historical and Archaeological Society take place in the new Tara building in Mary Immaculate College and non-members are welcome as they are to join this dynamic society.  On Monday April 18 the topic is ‘The Architecture of Faith; the Restoration and Development of Holy Trinity Abbey, Adare, in the nineteenth century’.  These lectures all begin at 8.00 pm and the speaker on this occasion is Mr Anthony Harpur.  

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