Kildimo Penitential Walk April 2 2011
KILDIMO COMMUNITY COUNCIL AWARDED: The work of our local Community Council received recognition in the recent ‘Awards Night’ at the Southcourt Hotel. County Councillor P.C. Fitzgerald organised the evening of celebration of local community achievements on Friday, April 1. The evening culminated with a rousing finale by ‘Mad for Road’ who proved to be also high achievers in the recent talent competition on RTE. Representatives of many of the communities Maigueside who feature on the website set up by our redoubtable representative from Croom, received honourable mention in an evening introduced by Eoin Prendergast from Shannon Development. The community website, available on has proved a potent force in galvanising local communities and extending their public profile far beyond their geographical boundaries. Tommy O’Shea assisted by Mary Conway, outlined the activities being pursued by the local council and Mr. Fitzgerald presented our Chairman with a scroll of honour to mark the exertions of the community council. A representative of the ICA also received an award for their contribution to the popular website which may be read by ICA members in every guild in Ireland and abroad by sister groups like the British ‘Women’s Institute’ to which it has ties.
COMMUNITY LOTTO JACKPOT €8,150 AND RISING: The Lotto draw of on March 29, was for a prize of €8,200 and no punter predicted the winning combination of 1, 19, 22 & 27. In consequence, ‘Lucky Dips’ of €20 each were drawn by Mary O’Mahony, Ballyrune; Ann O’Dea, Carheeny; Liz & Jamie Hickey, Old Kildimo; Edel O’Mahony, Ballyrune and Mossie & Mary Griffin of Faha. When you next visit the ‘The Seven Sisters’, Post Office, ‘De Bucket’, Slattery’s or the Dromore Inn, be sure to fill in your lucky numbers where a minimum investment of €2 could cover your holiday costs.
TABLE QUIZ: ‘De Bucket’ is the venue for a fundraising Quiz in aid of Chernobyl. The enduring damage to human health from nuclear radiation has been reaffirmed with the damage to Japanese Nuclear Stations. Your support is solicited for this event on Friday April 8. Tables are a mere €20 and enjoyment is assured with the possibility of a lucrative win. All the funds from this event will be delivered in person to an orphanage in Chernobyl by our own Edel O’Mahony who makes regular trips to this afflicted area to help relieve the suffering of children affected by radiation.
BIRDWATCHING: The Limerick branch of Birdwatch Ireland have their next field trip to Ardclooney, O’Briensbridge on Saturday, April 9, at 10.00 am. With the coming of Spring, so is hoped the sighting of migrants such as House Martins, Swifts, etc. Meet the leaders at the public Carpark near the playground in the village. Further details from James at 087 9037640 or by email at
SALE OF WORK: Kilcornan Community Centre is the venue for a fundraising sale of work in aid of Fr. Tim Wrenn. As is well known, his late mother who passed away in recent times hosted this annual event and by her exertions provided much of the saleable jams and chutneys in order to support his valuable pastoral work in the impoverished townships of Cape Town in South Africa. Up to the time of her death, Mrs Wrenn (Kit) was still working away in her home kitchen and this work will comprise part of the sale of work on offer on Sunday, April 10 in Kilcornan Community Centre following 11. o’clock Mass in the Church of St. John the Baptist.
LENTEN PILGRIMAGE: There was a sun-blessed beginning to the Lenten pilgrims walk to Kilbreedy well in the neighbouring parish of Kilcornan. About thirty participants took part in the event, which provided a challenging walk of about ten kilometres. The course was punctuated by the fourteen stations of the cross at which Christ’s passion was honoured in prayer. The little dale in which St. Brigid’s well is situated was an added venue for prayer where traditionally pilgrims did ‘the rounds’. The direct route from The Seven Sisters to the well was along the old road, while the return route was through Kilmoreen in which an early place of worship of the parish was situated. The final and fourteenth station was made at the entrance to the graveyard in which stood a little stone church that was latterly used by the Church of Ireland as a place of worship. John and Joanne Griffin provided welcome sustenance for the weary pilgrims on their return to the starting point.
DEFIBRILLATOR: The persons who voluntarily undertook Defibrillator training two years ago will shortly renew their training to bring them up to speed on this very worthwhile skill. Fortunately for the local community, there have been no calls on their expertise. Should you be interested in undertaking this training and having your name added to the list which is held in the Post Office, the nearest public venue adjacent to the Defibrillator which is in the Church Carpark, contact Mary O’Brolcháin on 087 6226332 or any other member of the panel. You need have no fears about taking on this training as it is comprehensive and ‘hands on’ and modern defibrillators are fully automated to guide you through their usage in emergencies, so you’ll do no harm to prospective patients.BANTRACHT NA TUAITHE:, Wednesday at April 6, The Seven Sisters’Pub, Old Killdimo Annual General Meeting will take place, commencing at 8.15pm ‘Federation Information Joan Hayes will be in attendance.
TIDY TOWNS: ‘An Taisce’ has designated the month of April to ‘National Spring Clean’ and the members of the local Tidy Towns committee have designated Wednesday, April 13, as the local day for cleaning the Bog Road. Given the use of this area as a dump, the task is a daunting one and the saying ‘Many hands make light work’ suggests itself. If you can’t make the morning session at 10 o’clock, then the opportunity will be available to you to join the 7 pm session. Both begin at Walsh Motors and a high visibility jacket and gloves would be an asset.
KILDIMO LADY SHOWS THE WAY: Marion Morrissey of Ballynacarriga, showed the nation how a busy career may be balanced by an equally busy home life in her profile recently on ‘Nationwide’. If you missed the original showing, the programme may be seen on RTE Player. Marion is well known locally for her community involvement in providing the training for Defibrillator use in the event of cardiac incidents. The Defibrillator is placed for the use of accredited volunteers in the Church Carpark and the list of volunteers may be accessed in the local P.O. A very useful safety/first aid device is the ‘Safetyaid’, that the busy lady has made available to the home market. This is a hand-held electronic talking device that will guide the firstaider through many emergencies and is an ideal aid to refresh trained personnel in the event of crises. It would be a must for public places where the likelihood of such events is heightened, such as churches, community halls, sports clubs, etc.
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