COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Plans are at an advanced stage for the village development and St. Dioma’s Day, Thursday May 12 is set for the launch. This will take place at ‘The Seven Sisters’ where all the participants in the development will be on hand. The village plan is the first ever of its kind for Kildimo and much thought and public consultation has been given to it. As with all such plans, it is not written in stone but it is a positive beginning and it is largely motivated by safety in the village environs. We are fortunate that no major accident has taken place in the village, given all the heavy vehicles that pass through. These plans are the product of professional planners ‘O’Leary Consultants’ in collaboration with Limerick Co. Co. and the local community.
SHE’S 21! Last Saturday night at the ‘Seven Sisters’ was the place to be to celebrate the maturation of Susan Griffin, daughter of Liam and Jacqueline. A large group of families and friends were on hand to mark the happy occasion.
PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORIE: John O’Brien at 061 380614 is taking bookings for the thirtieth anniversary pilgrimage to Medjugorie. Travel is from Shannon on September 10, returning September 17. Half Board costs €639 if booked immediately. TIDY TOWNS: Kildimo has been entered for the 2011 ‘Tidy Towns’ competition. When the overall environmental planning for the village and environs is finalised, it will greatly boost the visual impact of the area and enhance our status in the tidy town’s pecking order. Meanwhile, the local committee continue their exertions, with new planting of tubs and the endless picking up after the environmentally illiterate. Private individuals will be doing their bit with ‘spit and polish’ in advance of the judging in June and July. Some improvement of the situation on the bog road has followed the recent clean-up and the pursuit of those who dumped there by the County Council environmental officers. The Council representative for our area is Eamon Dalton who may be reached on 069 62100 or by Freephone on 1800 201151. Complaints will be logged and acknowledged.
FREE TRAINING: West Limerick Resources will host a Tidy Towns training session on the Wildlife and Natural Amenities Category on Monday May 9 in Newcastle West. Open to new and existing Tidy Towns groups, community councils, development associations and interested individuals in the West Limerick area, this free event aims to provide practical training in how to develop simple but effective projects. The evening will combine a short nature walk with local heritage specialist Geoff Hunt, training on how to carry out wildlife surveys from the Irish Wildlife Trust and specific training on the Tidy Towns category from adjudicator and wildlife expert Eanna Ni Lamhna. Wildlife walk will begin in the Demesne (meet at community centre) at 7.30pm followed by group training in the Courtney Lodge at 8.30pm. Contact Suzanne on 069 79114 or email
COMMUNITY LOTTO JACKPOT €8,400 AND RISING: The Lotto draw on April 26, was for a prize of €8,400 and no punter predicted the winning combination of 8, 10, 25 & 26. In consequence, ‘Lucky Dips’ of €20 each were drawn by Karen Staff, Mike Dillon, Dylan Hogan, Marie O’Curry and John O’Mahony. When you next visit the ‘The Seven Sisters’, Post Office, ‘De Bucket’, Slattery’s or the Dromore Inn, be sure to fill in your lucky numbers where a minimum investment of €2 could cover your holiday costs.
ARTS FOR ALL: The Ballyhoura Arts Network Project invites you to ‘Art 4 All’ on Saturday May 7. This will feature a variety of artistic activity and will offer ‘hands on’ for participants to try traditional crafts and even African drumming. The venue is the Maple Ballroom, Kilfinane from 2-4 pm. There will also be demonstrations of dancing and music and art and craft work will be on sale. Further information may be found on
BANTRACHT NA TUAITHE: The next guild meeting will take place on Wednesday May 4 in ‘Seven Sisters’ Pub, Old Kildimo at 8.15pm. Membership fees are now due and will be collected on the night facilitating you to avail of the benefits and activities of the association for the coming year. Congratulations to Mary O’Rourke, Glenameade and Kathleen Griffin, Knockroe who were recent winners in Federation Art and Baking competitions.ARDCANNY GRAVEYARD: Access to this graveyard in Mellon has always been a problem especially for those less agile in negotiating styles, climbing gates and dealing with electric fences. Following some work on the entrance gate, entry to their traditional burial grounds by local families should be greatly facilitated. Once inside the gate simply unhook the electric fence and proceed. Unfortunately the electric barrier is necessary as people using the entrance gate as a turning bay are wont to leave the gate open, causing the straying of cattle onto the public road.
KENRY HISTORY SOCIETY: Would you like to know more about the rich historical heritage of the ancient tuath of Iverus? Then join the members and friends of the Kenry Historical Society who are hosting a tour of the area under the expert guidance of Br. John Feaheney who is a native of the place and best authority on its history. Pencil in Sunday May 15 for this free event and join the group at the Catholic Church in Ballysteen at 3.00 pm.
SPORTS DAY: Due to the inclement weather on Bank Holiday Monday Kildimo/
Pallaskenry Community Games Sports Day was deferred.
The re arranged date is Monday next May 9 at 6.30pm in Pallaskenry GAA field when
it is hoped that the weather will be more favourable.
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