Thursday, May 12, 2011


Kildimo ICA Birthday Girls Mary Ellen griffin & May Galvin celebrate together on the feast of St Díoma May 12 2011 

WINNERS ALL Kildimo ICA members l to R Mary O'Rourke Fed Art ist, Dolores Dinneen Nat Art Highly Commended,Kathleen griffin Fed Muffins 3rd pl

COMMUNITY COUNCIL:  You are invited to the Seven Sisters on the evening of St. Dioma’s Day, May 12, for the launch of the village plan.  All the participants involved in this stage of village development will be on hand to explain the present state of planning which has been a collaboration between the community, Limerick Co Co and the ‘O’Leary planning consultants.  
‘CARI’ SAY THANKS:  The Cari foundation that cares for children in need have expressed their thankfulness to all those who organised and supported the recent ‘Easter Eggs Raffle’, locally.  Funding the running of their new centre on the Ennis Road, largely depends on such initiatives.  The fundraising department of the Limerick centre may be contacted by telephone on 582224 or by
SALESIAN COLLEGE NEWS: The annual golf classic takes place on this Friday May 13 at Charleville Golf Club. All details may be had by ringing 061 393105.  
NATIONAL DAWN CHORUS DAY: Members of the local branch of Birdwatch Ireland will assemble under leaders Tom Tarpey and James Hayes at 5 am. on Sunday, May 15.  The meeting point is the UL Concert Hall Carpark and all are welcome.

REVIVAL LITERARY JOURNAL: The next issue of this literary journal will be published in August and submissions are currently being collated for inclusion.  Any works of poetry, short fiction or extracts of five hundred words along with Review or Criticism works will be considered.  Black and white images or line drawings will also be included.  Submission deadline is Thursday, June 16 to the Editor, Revival, Moravia, Glenmore Avenue, Roxboro Rd.
Email:   Submission guidelines: 

TIDY TOWNS:  Kildimo has been entered for the 2011 ‘Tidy Towns’ competition.  When the overall environmental planning for the village and environs is finalised, it will greatly boost the visual impact of the area and enhance our status in the tidy town’s pecking order.  Meanwhile, the local committee continue their exertions, with new planting of tubs and the endless picking up after the environmentally illiterate.  Private individuals will be doing their bit with ‘spit and polish’ in advance of the judging in June and July.  Some improvement of the situation on the bog road has followed the recent clean-up and the pursuit of those who dumped there by the County Council environmental officers.  The Council representative for our area is Eamon Dalton who may be reached on 069 62100 or by Freephone on 1800 201151.  Complaints will be logged and acknowledged.

COMMUNITY LOTTO JACKPOT €8,450 AND RISING: The Lotto draw on May 3, was for a prize of €8,450 and no punter predicted the winning combination of 6, 11, 12 & 24.  In consequence, ‘Lucky Dips’ of €20 each were drawn by Patricia Griffin, Ballynacarriga; M. Munnelly, Clounanna; Marian Griffin, Pallaskenry; John Sheehan, Dromore Inn and Eoin O’Brien, Old Road.  When you next visit the ‘The Seven Sisters’, Post Office, ‘De Bucket’, Slattery’s or the Dromore Inn, be sure to fill in your lucky numbers where a minimum investment of €2 could cover your holiday costs. 

BANTRACHT NA TUAITHE: Congratulations to Mary O’Rourke ( Fed Art 1st),Dolores Dinneen (Nat Art Highly Commended) and Kathleen Griffin ( Fed Muffins 3rd). Kildimo ICA Birthday Girls Mary Ellen Griffin & May Galvin celebrate together on the Feast of St Díoma May 12
HISTORY OF BALLYSTEEN:  Brother John Feheney, a native of Iverus (the ancient name of this area), will conduct a historical tour of the area on Sunday, May 15.  Members of the Kenry Historical Society and their friends will meet at the Catholic Church in the village at 3.00 pm.  Br. John’s knowledge of Ballysteen is unsurpassed as exemplified by the numerous publications on the subject.  Don’t miss it! 

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