Thursday, July 1, 2010


Tina McMahon,Kildimo and Billy O'Sullivan,Shanagolden after their wedding in St Mary's Church,Pallaskenry June19 2010


The battle was won at Dolan’s Warehouse on Friday, June 25, for the honour of opening the Bob Dylan Concert at Thomond Park on Sunday next, July 4. The resounding victors from a star-studded line-up of bands was the band fronted by Pa O’Brien which ‘lifted the roof’ on the night. Pa is son of Marie O’Brien and Gerry of Ballymartin and the musical traditions of the O’Dea family of Carheeny comes out in Pa’s act. The others making up the band are Dave, Rob and Gerry, all musicians with a strong personal ethos that is blended into the one dynamic group who’s C.V. will shortly feature ‘Opening for Bob’ at the Thomond Park. Even if you don’t know what ‘Grunge Rock’ is, it is worth looking out for the music of this group, which is described as ‘alluringly aggressive and addictive’. It’s all available on their EP under their name ‘The Last Days of Death Country’. And remember you first read about them in the ‘Kildimo Notes’!


Sympathy is extended to Kitty & Benny Farrelly of Ballynacarriga on the recent death of Kitty’s brother Michael Ryan and to Michael’s other family and friends. Formerly of Montpelier, O’Brien’s Bridge, his funeral took place from Meehan’s Funeral Home, Castleconnell, on Friday June 25 to the parish church Castleconnell. Following Requiem Mass on Saturday, June 26, his remains were interred in Lisheen Cemetery, O’Brien’s Bridge in the presence of his surviving family, former neighbours and friends. Ar dheis Dé to raibh a anam.

Anniversary Mass

The following,whose anniversaries occur around this time are remembered and masses are arranged as follows:

Ester and Christina Lyons (Thursday July 1 at 10.00) and Patrick O’Shaughnessy, Ballynolan

(Sunday July 4 at 11.00.

The Months Mind Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Máireád Kennedy, Rockfield House, Kildimo

and Embury Close, Adare will be celebrated this Friday July 2 in Holy Trinity Church, Adare at 7pm.

Solas na nGrást dóibh uilig.


St. Mary’s Church Pallaskenry was filled to capacity with happy friends and relations of Tina McMahon of Ballynacarriga and Shane (Billy) O Sullivan of Shanagolden to witness their wedding on June 19. Both of their Parish Priests were on hand to preside over the event, namely Fr. John Donworth of Kildimo/Pallaskenry and Canon Anthony O’Keeffe from the groom’s parish. Deborah McMahon, sister of the Bride was Chief Bridesmaid, who was in turn assisted by Orla O’Shea and Karen O’Sullivan. Standing with the groom were Anthony Leahy, John Paul Cribbin and Jason O’Sullivan. Sarah Ellen Murphy and Joseph Spencer supplied the appropriate music and vocals. Kieran McMahon, brother of the Bride proclaimed the First Reading and the Pauline text of the Second Reading was delivered by John O’Sullivan. Prayers of the Faithful were led by Liz Leahy, Luke O’Sullivan Kelly, Shauna Buckley, Josh O’Sullivan, Jack Galvin and Fíona McMahon. Mothers of the Bride and Groom, Brenda and Mary presented the Offertory Gifts to the strains of ‘Ag Chríost an Síol’. Michael (Junior) McMahon, brother of the Bride provided the thoughtful reflection on marriage written by Wilfred A. Peterson, as a Communion Reflection. The very enjoyable reception was held in the Woodlands House Hotel, Adare. Tina is daughter of Michael and Brenda, while Billy is the son of Mary and the late Johnny. The Bride is an Accountant working in Dublin and Billy is in the construction industry. They currently reside to Rush, Co. Dublin, to which they will return after their honeymoon in Mexico and Las Vegas.


This is a ‘must see’ show for anyone interested in the work of Jan Stroud as it is probably her most popular show. It is being staged by Adare’s stagecraft school which has been rehearsing the musical all year and the directors Alison Cowpar Boylan and her partner Gretta are currently up to their eyes in costume making and stage set design. Friday, July 25 at 8.00 pm is when the curtain rises and the adrenaline is released by the boys and girls who have been working hard on the production. Alison and Gretta have taken on this enterprise as a labour of love to cater for local children who have responded from all parts of West Limerick and beyond. Between them they hold a wide selection of the skills necessary to teach and produce shows such as ‘Rainmaker’. They passionately believe in the value of their art in not just producing shows, but in producing the personalities of the seven to fifteen year old children whom they teach. Staging a show like this with twenty two songs over two hours with the requisite costumes, sets, lighting, etc., absorbs much of their finances and they greatly depend on punters to show their appreciation by coming to the Village Hall on the night. You will leave with toes a-tapping. Advance tickets may be got from Alison at 087 9952605.


The newly formed and hardworking Tidy Towns group have been instrumental in providing litter bins in the village and environs. Given the difficulty of educating some people to use them, perhaps the general environmentally aware community might adopt the maxim to ‘Bend and Bin’, thereby benefiting the waistline and the village. Take note also of the present floral displays of wild blooms, which are lovingly cared for by the small core of this committee. Good on you girls!

Bantracht Na Tuaithe

Members are reminded of the forthcoming Centenary Art Exhibition in Dooradoyle Library in early August.

If interesting in exhibiting please contact PRO Phyllis O’Halloran with details of your entry,

( one painting per person) as soon as possible .


‘De Bucket’ is proving a popular venue for the exhibition of local talented painters and this time it’s the work of the Clarina Active Retirement ‘Thursday Club’ members that is on show and for sale. The exhibitors are all female, giving the lie to the sexist opinion that painting is a male preserve. Viewing is during opening hours and the wide range of the artists’ subjects and the many local and foreign scenes painted ‘en plein air’ can only impress you. This exhibition will be hanging until the end of July.

Active Retirement

Chairman Pat Brosnan regaled his Civil Defence ARA colleagues’ on their outing to the Foynes area last week

with his recently composed winning ballad ‘The Smearla Side’. This Athea native has once again secured first place at Fleadh Ceoil Luimnigh and all good wishes go to him as he makes the journey to Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan in Kenmare shortly.

The next ARA outing takes place on Wednesday July 7.


On Tuesday June 22, the Numbers drawn were 6, 17, 21 & 23. Because no punter predicted this combination, Lucky Dips of €20 each were drawn by Marie O’Curry, Ballynacarriga; Shirley Sterritt, Old Kildimo; Margaret McCarthy, Coolbeg; Ger Griffin, Ballynacarriga and Luke & Gerry, Ballynacarriga. Your €2 ticket to win a Jackpot of over €6,30 is available from the P.O., De Bucket, Slattery’s, Seven Sisters and Dromore Inn. Support your local community lotto.


The VHI Cúl Camp takes place in Kildimo from Monday July 5 to 9. Applications should be made promptly to the School or to Liam Hayes of Ballyrune at 087 7840685 for application forms.


Camp Bosco will run from Monday July 5 to 23. A European Pool Lifeguard Course will take place in Copsewood Pool from July 10 from 10am to 4pm. Participants must be 17 years old and have attained Rescue 2 or Rescue 3 from the Irish Water Safety Syllabus. Further details from Kate O’Hara on 085 1407415. Salesian Secondary College School Review Magazine is for sale in the school office. The Parents Association have organised the sale of second hand books on Tuesday July 6 between 7pm and 9pm in the School Library. Representatives from Tony Clarke’s School Book Shop will attend at the school on Wednesday July 7 from 6 to 9pm to sell new books and stationery. .

Monthly Artisans Craft Fair in the new Limerick Milk Market

An all-weather Artisans Craft Fair will be held on the last Thursday of each month, commencing 29th July. This is an innovative and exciting fair aimed at bringing a wide variety of Ireland’s artisan community together on a monthly basis in order to showcase their talents to a large audience.

The all-weather Artisans Craft Fair will be held on the last Thursday of every month (29th July, 26th August & 30th September etc) from 12.00 to 19.00hrs

Excellent parking is available adjacent to the Milk Market

Interested in Displaying?

To display at the monthly Artisans Craft Fair please contact Christine on or 086 3538928


The annual Garden Fete takes place in the grounds on Sunday, July 4 from 1.00 pm. This is always a popular event and a very worthy cause in support of the sterling work of this instution in NCW.

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