Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Terence Kenny,Clarina with Michéal O'Muircheartaigh at the launch of The Ballybrown Journal recently

As Mary Kennedy who co-presents the ‘Nationwide’ programme on RTE 1 has said, “The Staff family of County Limerick are proud of their family member who works tirelessly for the poor in Birmingham”.  Sr. Sabina is a native of Ballynacarriga who has come to public notice in being honoured by Queen Elizabeth in her birthday honours list for her work with the underprivileged in Birmingham.  This dedicated Nun who might have deserved to take things easy following her long career in Coventry as a teacher, has only invented herself anew in taking on the care of those less fortunate.  With help from many sources including the Irish Government, a ‘drop-in’ centre has been established in Birmingham, aptly called ‘The Fireside Centre’ for the warm embrace it offers those who come through its doors in need of clothing, food and counselling.  While Irish people feature amongst its patrons, all colours and creeds are welcome in this ecumenical venture.  Sr. Sabina has harnessed the help of many in the centre, not least of whom is well-known BBC presenter for local Birmingham radio, Bob Brolly who is among her most enthusiastic allies.  Bob has given fulsome praise to Sr. Staff in the recent ‘Nationwide’ programme, which was shown on December 8.  If you missed this event, then there is still time to view the programme in RTE Player by searching for ‘Nationwide’ and following the simple links to December 8.
The parish church in NCW will host their Annual Carol Concert on Thursday, December 16 at 8.00 pm.  Featured performers include Nóirín Ní Riain, the Choir and Chamber Music Group from Cistercian College Roscrea, the Desmond College and Scoil Mhuire and Íde Choirs.  This is sponsored by the NCW and District Lions Club.  Entry is free and there will be an interval collection for ‘Lauralynn House’ which is Ireland’s first Childrens Hospice.  With 1,400 Irish children suffering from life-limiting disorders and over three hundred dying annually, the need for this first and only Childrens Hospice/Home is evident.  The theme of this new movement is, “Putting life into a child’s day, not days into a child’s life”.  Enjoy a wonderful evening and support the cause.
Bantracht Na Tuaithe
A most enjoyable carol service was  held in St Michael’s Church, Barrington St, Limerick last  Saturday night marking the close of the ICA Centenary year .Well done to the Limerick Federation choir and all associated with the event. Kildimo ICA was well represented and guild member Eileen O’Byrne’s rendering of ‘O Holy Night’
was wonderful.
Be sure to set aside Thursday December 16 for the next meeting of the local Community Council.  This is a follow-on to the previous consultative meeting, the findings of which will be presented by O’Leary and Associates in a draft plan for the village and environs.  It is important that the community assess this plan, which may impact on all our lives into the future. 
Fancy €7,500 to ease your financial burden or help your Christmas shopping? A €2 investment in our own Community Lotto, could do just  that.   The numbers drawn on December 7 were 2, 5, 19 & 27.  Because no member of the draw predicted this combination, ‘Lucky Dips’ were drawn for €20 each.  Prizewinners were Kieran Griffin, Pallaskenry; Billy O’Regan, Ballycasey; Joe Gleeson, Ballynacarriga; Charlie Griffin, Pallaskenry; Peter & Eimear Hickey, Old Kildimo.  
You’ll need this outing after Christmas to get out and work off any over-indulgence!  The Limerick branch of Birdwatch Ireland are meeting at Westfields in the City on Monday, December 27 at 10am.  This area is unique in being a wetland in an urban setting.  Tom Tarpey will lead the event and point out to the uninitiated the  differences between Moorhens, Little Grebes, Coots and Tufted Ducks.  Further information from organisers James Hayes at 087 9037640 or Maura Turner at 087 7927972.  

It’s out and it celebrates ten years of continuous publication.  In spite of the snow and frost a great crowd turned up at the Clubhouse in Clarina for the launch.  Due to the good offices of Jimmy Hartigan of the GAA, the services of Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh were secured to launch the Journal.  Mícheál was very impressed with the record of the Ballybrown Pioneer Association members and friends who are responsible for the publication.  He himself is an avowed teetotaller and he gave special mention of this in addressing the youth who were present.  He has spent much time in public houses he said, no doubt de-briefing after matches, and he never felt the need for alcohol to add to his enjoyment of such events.  He hoped that young people everywhere would think about this before embarking on the need for alcohol.  He was also not unaware of the great historical value of these annual publications, as historical researchers in the future will comb through their pages for knowledge of events during the period of publication.  No doubt those little newborns that adorn its pages will enjoy reference to such photos in years to come.  The memories of those who have passed away over the years are also recalled for posterity.  And between the babies and the deceased there is a wealth of parish activities and erudite historical articles to give delight to its readers- all for a mere €10 from local shops.
Mix three parts vinegar to one of water and spray it on your windscreen before freezing occurs.  This should mean clear windscreens in the morning before you drive off.  
Nollag Shona 
Beannachtaí  na Féile are extended to all readers and supporters of the community notes.
We particularly remember our relatives and friends overseas at this time, many of whom keep up to date with local news via the internet. May you all have a peaceful Christmas.

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