Gemma Harte,Human Ressource Managemen (Hons) Graduate from Univ.of Limerick
MILFORD VALENTINE’S PARTY: The Woodlands Adare is the venue for the sixth annual fundraiser for Milford. Partygoers will be entertained from 7.00 pm with local traditional musicians in the Lobby. The four-course dinner follows with entertainment to suit all ages afterwards. ‘Taylor’s Twist’ from Galway will get the dancing going with their lively trad and modern music. If you’re still standing after that, DJB will continue into the night. Tickets at €45 are available from Joan at 086 162560 or 069 82166.
INFORMATION FOR PENSIONERS: The West Limerick Caring for Carers group in conjunction with the Revenue Commissioners will hold a free information morning on Monday February 6 at 10am in the Desmond Complex Newcastle West. Information will be provided regarding pensions and taxation, the household levy, water charges and septic tank charges. Public representatives have also been invited to attend. Contact Caring for Carers on 061 469484 or 393115 or email caringforcarerslimerick@
RECENT WEDDING: The Griffin family of Faha celebrated the happy nuptials of their daughter Amanda to Aidan O’Neill of Camheen, Mungret, on December 16. The civil ceremony was conducted at the Lakeside Hotel Killaloe with the Bride’s Matron of Honour Siobhán Walsh and Kieran O’Brien standing with the Groom. The Flower Girls were Amanda and Aidan’s daughters Shannon and Lauren. Representatives from both families proclaimed the readings and Amanda’s brother Bryan and his girlfriend Mags provided music and song. The happy family have resided in Faha since their partnership and they have the good wishes of their families and friends for their continued happiness.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: The graduates of the Kemmy Business School from U.L. will have as their Primary Research Objectives the engagement with the local community and the organisations within it. The knowledge level of the members of the community in regard to the overall development project for the village and its environs will be a primary concern of theirs. Following on from that will be an assessment of interest and involvement in such a project. Consideration will be given to the best use of local facilities, for example, how best integrate the Library facility into community activities. They will also research community perceptions in regard to the possible integration of the old creamery into any development plan.
START YOUR OWN BUSINESS: Bridgewater Management are presenting a course for those contemplating starting a business. The venue is the Kilmurry Lodge Hotel and the course is on five consecutive Tuesday evenings, beginning on February 14 at 7.00 pm. The course will cover all aspects of business start-up and management and the fee is €50. Booking is essential to the County Enterprise Board at 061 496520. Kilmurry Lodge is at
BANTRACHT NA TUAITHE: Kildimo members are resuming activities this week and will be meeting at ‘The Seven Sisters’Pub,Old Kildimo on Wednesday night at 8.15pm.Programme for period to June 2012 will be among the matters on the agenda and all members are invited to attend.
MOTION AT COUNCIL MEETING: At the January meeting Councillor Patrick C. Fitzgerald moved a motion that Limerick County Council requests the national roads authority to meet a deputation comprising of representatives from the Community Council and residents of the Kildimo area. The residents are campaigning for the realignment of Court cross Kildimo, on the N69 Coast Road to facilitate a right-hand turning lane. Councillor Fitzgerald stated that this area is one of the most dangerous locations on the N69 route. Mr Fitzgerald stated that motorists and residents making their way to their homes at Faha, Ardlahan and all places towards Ringmoylan, find it extremely dangerous to navigate their way off the main road. Several accidents have been recorded in this area over the past decade. The same Councillor expressed of a fear that serious fatalities may occur in the future. RETIREMENT PARTY: A well-deserved party to mark his four decades service to law and order will be celebrated for Noel Nicholson. All are welcome to see him off at ‘De Bucket’ on Saturday February 4 at 8.30 pm. A native of Co. Roscommon, he joined the ‘boys in blue’ as a clean-shaven twenty four old and on completion of his training he was posted to Edward Street Station, beginning his life’s career that was wholly served in Co. Limerick. His boots and cap will be finally put to storage in Pallaskenry Station which was his last of many postings. With his wife Martina, he looks forward to a long and active retirement in his adopted Curraheen where Martina and he have reared their four children. Lots more to give Noel!
COMMUNITY LOTTO: Numbers 3, 6, 16 & 18 were drawn in the community lotto draw of January 24, 2012 for a Jackpot of €10,350. No member predicted this combination so ‘Lucky Dips’ of €20 each were drawn by Dylan Hogan, Con Downes, John O’Mahony, Mary Rogan and A & D O’Brolcháin. Watch out for the draw for a special package on all tickets bought on St. Valentine’s Day.
GRADUATED: Congratulations to Gemma Harte of Ballynacarriga, daughter of Michael and Rosario who recently graduated with an honours degree in ‘Human Resource Management’. Gemma received all her early education in Kildimo National School and Salesian College, Pallaskenry. She hopes to continue her upward educational climb by embarking on a Master Degree in September, also at UL.
GAA LOTTO: On January 23, numbers 5, 16, 22 & 24 were drawn for a Jackpot of €20.000. No member predicted this combination so ‘Lucky Dips’ of €50 each were won by Stephen Downey, Daniel Tierney, Paddy Mulvihill & Tony Purcell. The Jackpot has been capped at €20,000 for many weeks now so this could be your lucky break!CITIZENS AGAINST CHARGES: A meeting to address the issue of new charges for citizens and other matters of a similar nature will be held at the Devon Inn, Templeglantine on Monday, February 6 at 8.00 pm. An earlier meeting in NCW on the subject was so well attended that this larger venue is necessary to deal with all the issues related to the assault on rural living. Apart from charges related to septic tanks, household tax, water and other charges, the demise of the rural village and its facilities is draining the life blood from such areas. All public representatives and TD’s are invited to hear your opinion on these vital topics. For further information contact Pat O’Donovan Chairman on 087 9977340/ 069 62713 or Mike Kennedy Secretary on 069 62260.
FREE PHILOSOPHY: Mary Immaculate College have a series of Philosophy talks on Wednesday evenings at 6.00 pm, in the new Tara Building, Room T206. On February 15, the talk will be a joint venture between Doctors Vittorio Bufacchi from UCC and Siobhán O’Sullivan from the host college. The title of this presentation is ‘Social Injustice- What it is and How to fix it’. Who better to fix things than philosophers?
PASTORAL CENTRE: Limerick Pastoral Centre in Denmark Street has issued their new Calendar of Events for 2012. The lofty aims of this Centre are pursued through a wide range of courses aimed at promoting health of body, mind and soul. Rooms at the Centre are available for hire by all and include all modern educational aids. Among those using the Centre are self-help groups promoting mental health, addiction support and families suffering bereavement. Staff at this facility is Fr. Noel Kirwan, Director; Karen Kiely, Administrator; Noirín Lynch, Development Officer; Fr. Chris O’Donnell, Director of Youth Ministry and Aoife Walsh, Youth Ministry Co-ordinator. Enquiries by phone to 061 400133.
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