1925 TO 2009
The death took place in the Mid Western Regional Hospital of P.J. Conway, Ballycasey, Kildimo and formally of Patrickswell after a short illness on October 6, 2009. He is survived by his loving wife Peg, and daughter Mary, his inlaws, nephew, nieces and a large circle of friends. He was pre-deceased by his parents and his brother Teddy and sister Josephine (nee Piggott). His Requiem Mass was celebrated at St Joseph’s Church, Kildimo, followed by burial in the local cemetery.
PJ (Patrick) was born on the Greenmount Estate in Patrickswell to Paddy and Christina Conway where his father was employed. He attended Patrickswell National School and afterwards C.B.S. College in Sexton Street. His brother Teddy worked in the ESB and PJ joined as an apprentice in 1947. He worked as a linesman and played an integral part during the Rural Electrification period, which saw him travel the length and breath of Munster. This often entailed travelling by bicycle and later by motorcycle and spending weekends away from home. He transferred later to water pump-fitting which brought him into contact with the farming sector. Latterly he was involved in the training section in Rosbrien from which he retired in 1987.
A night out in the Olympic Ballroom, Newcastle West in the early 60’s, was to change the direction of his life forever when he met Peg Madigan from Faha, Kildimo. Their marriage in November 1965 resulted in their settling down in Ballycasey and the arrival of their only child Mary.
In his youth in Patrickswell he was well able to wield the hurley and he played on local teams. With the advent of Radio and T.V. he widened his sporting interests and enjoyed the joust from the cosy confines of home. His most enduring sporting activity was in combat with the trout and salmon in rivers from East to West Limerick, which saw his family decamp most Sundays to do battle. His prowess with the rod and line was marked by many awards for his catches. When weather and seasons didn’t allow for wetting the line, P.J. could be found digging for his favoured ‘blue-headed’ worms in his garden or sharpening his skills by perusing fishing magazines. At the setting up of the Bleach Lough fishing club, he was one of the dominant members although his passion was always in pursuit of the wilder fish of the rivers. This same dedication to excellence in all his pursuits was also exemplified by his interest in fruit cultivation. Apples, pears and plums were carefully monitored and shielded from frost damage and pest infestation and the fruit handled and stored with clinical care. He took great delight in experimenting with fruit species and the grafting of varied types onto the parent stock. These activities were all influenced by P.J’s study of every gardening book and periodical that came his way.
The varied interests of the man often took him indoors to his workshop where he spent many a day in the casting of garden ornaments and the making of wrought iron garden accessories, which now enhance many a local garden.
In spite of P.J’s deteoriating health, he still maintained his many interests from the armchair and in his darkest days, his ready wit and good humour was still in evidence. The tender care which was bestowed on P.J. in his family home was an inspiration to all who witnessed it and for which Peg and Mary may justly be proud.
Ní imithe uainn ach imithe rómhainn
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