Wednesday, March 10, 2010

W/E MARCH 13 2010


The man who has ‘Seven Sisters’, is a man with lots of pampering, presents and parties! When that same man reaches a significant milestone on the way to his maturity, he is assured of much attention from his admiring siblings. Were you passing the hostelry in Old Kildimo on Friday, March 5, the bunting and balloons were indicative of the more than usual daytime activity that greeted the ‘birthday boy’ on his return from a diverting trip to Ballybunion to check water connections! All his family were present to pay homage to a great brother- being the only one- and to wish him well into the second phase of his life.


On Friday, February 26, the local Community Council handed over the results of their recent fundraising social at an event in The Seven Sisters. Rose Brennan MCC received the welcome donation of €2,010 on behalf of the Red Cross. Thanks to all those who supported this fundraiser in any way.

Masses for deceased members of the community celebrated recently included

McCann family, Imelda Curtin and Maureen and Jack Sheehy.

Months mind Masses were also celebrated for Morgan Malone, Moonanoag and Mary Jo Considine, Faha and UK.

During the coming week Masses will be celebrated for Thomas Walsh and Catherine Walsh (Thursday March 10 at 10.000,Kay O’Rourke, Ardlahan (Friday March 12 at 10.00) and Birdie Cahill, Coolbeg (Sunday March 12 at 11.00)

Leaba i measc Na Naomh

On Tuesday, March 2, the Numbers drawn were 15, 21, 24 & 28. Because no punter predicted this combination, Lucky Dips of €20 each were drawn by Emma Griffin, Old Kildimo; John Walsh, Ballyshonick, Pallaskenry; Chrissie Scanlon, c/o O’Rourke’s; Ger Griffin, Ballynacarriga and Pat Costello, Ballyvareen.

Calling all members of the Ballybrown and District Macra who won the All-Ireland Light Entertainment Competition in March 1985. Twenty-five years on, the local members in the persons of Edmond Power (353145/0876720101) and Joe Tierney (355155) are organising a Re-Union of the winning team and their friends and followers on March 21. Contact any of the above about details.

Active Retirement

Members of the Civil Defence ARA extend their best wishes to the CEO and Staff of Active Retirement Ireland on their move to the new headquarters recently. The new contact details are as follows: Active Retirement Ireland,

The Capel Building, Suite 24, 1st Floor, Mary’s Abbey, Dublin 7.

(01)8733836 / email:


An ideal way to get computer tuition on a ‘one to one’ basis is afforded by the ‘Log On Learning Programme’, by transition year students in Co. Limerick secondary schools. Participating schools near you offering this service include Askeaton, Kilfinane, Castletroy, Crescent Comprehensive, Drumcollogher and Croom. This is an ideal way for introduction to computers at a pace to suit you. Contact the school of your choice for further information.


You may still be in time to strut your stuff in the ‘Stars in our Bars’, Talent Show at ‘De Bucket’ on Friday, March 12. The winning entry on the night will be awarded a house prize and will go on to participate for the County Final Prize of €1,000. County winners will then go on to compete in the National Final at a later date. Artistes must be over 18 years. You may text your entry or make further enquiries to 086 8478646.


If you’d like something different in celebration of St. Patrick, how about joining in the National Museum’s many events related to him? From Saturday March 13 until the day itself you can come into close contact with the many items in the collection which relate to Patrick, and appropriately many of the events are bi-lingual, just at Patrick himself was in order to preach the ‘Good News’ to those who originally enslaved him. Slavery is good- yes- no! All news relating to the National Museum may be googled at


A fundraising Cake Sale will take place at the local school on Sunday, March 21, following Mass. Baked creations may be handed in from 10,15 that morning. Bring along the children for fun and games; enjoy the raffle and tay and chat.


If it’s Friday March 12, then it’s Poker night at the Beer Garden. If you “know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em”, this is the place to be for an enjoyable and possibly profitable night, beginning at 8.30 sharp.


The very active Community Council has been lobbying local representatives on the Co. Co. and also Council officials in regard to road safety through the village. The Adare and Croom Councillors are working to ensure that the critical issue of safety at the busy village crossroads is brought to the attention of the National Road Authority through the agency of the Council meetings with a view to providing a roundabout to slow traffic and thereby increase road safety.


The No. 71 Lotto Draw took place at Slattery’s on Monday, March 1, for a Jackpot of €6,800, which was not drawn. Consolation ‘Lucky Dips’ were accordingly drawn of €50 each by Eric Nolan, Old Kildimo; Regina Griffin, also Old Kildimo; Ciarán Carmody, c/o Rose McKeogh and Michael Nealon, Kilmoreen. Should you wish to see the good use that Lotto Draw funds are put to, then access the local GAA website.

All the hard work of the club and players is paying off with the selection of both Cian Hayes and Richard McKeogh by Justin to the NHL panel for this year. Barry O’Connell and Tony McCarthy have been selected to the County U16H panel and Jack O’Keeffe and Mark Daly are training with the U15’s. Congratulations also to Michelle Daly who has joined the County U16 Camogie panel. Reserve the date July 5 to 9 for the VHI Cúl Camp in Kildimo.


Dr. Liam Chambers will deliver a talk to members of the Rathkeale Historical Society and guests on Friday, March 12, at 8.30 pm. The title of his talk is ‘Irish Migrants in Early Modern France, 1600 – 1800. This society meets at the Enniscouch Community Centre which is found by crossing the bridge in the town and taking the first left as you go towards NCW. The room is around at the back of the Boxing Club and all are welcome.


This annual event runs from March 7 to March 13. Sponsored by ‘Coillte’, the theme of this year’s event is ‘Twenty Ten- Plant Again’. Nationally there are three hundred events aimed at raising the awareness of the importance of trees for the individual and the community. Wherever you are in the country there is sure to be an event near you including walks, plantings, workshops and talks. . As you may know, in recent times ancient yews have been discovered in hitherto little known areas of Curragh Chase and a major project of Yew plantation is currently taking place in that same area. The newly planted saplings are taken from the parent trees and carefully nurtured by Coillte nursery-people for local planting. The Yew tree is one of the few such that can be cultivated from cuttings although they obviously also regenerate from their berries. Such plantings will endure into a future world which we can hardly imagine two thousand years hence, just as when the present ancient Yews took root before the influx of Norman knights and later invaders. The present hoary Yews in Curragh Chase are now designated as ‘English Yews’ and these predate the Irish columnar form which only came to light in Northern Ireland in relatively recent times. These latter Yews are well known for their common planting in graveyards where their longevity is reminiscent of the eternal life enjoyed (or otherwise!) by the deceased. While the poisonous nature of Yew foliage and berries is well known especially to livestock, less well known is its use in the development of chemotherapy for cancer treatment. It was also a major force in delivering death by the English longbow for which its resilient nature delivered many a deadly bolt.


A Photographic exhibition ‘Castles and Tower Houses of Limerick’ will be on display at Limerick Studies in Lissanalta House , Dooradoyle Road from February 22 until April 23, 2010. The photographs taken by historian Joseph Lennon capture 21st century views of these historic old buildings in contrasting lights and styles. Viewing during library opening hours


Congratulations to the U16 Table Tennis team who won gold at the county finals recently. Team members were Odhran Cuddihy, Eoin Cuddihy, Tiernan Fitzgerald, Martin Neville and Thomas Neville, ably managed by Sean Cuddihy. They now go on to represent Limerick at the Munster finals on March 27 in U. L.
Congratulations also to the U14 b quiz team who won bronze at the county quiz in Ballybrown. Team was: Jack Ryan, Sinead McCarthy, Akash Chaudri and Steven O’ Brien. The A team of Turlough O Connor, Patrick O Shaughnessy, Eoin O Shaughnessy and Darren Lane finished in a creditable fifth place.
The results of local Art competition are as follows.

U8 Boys
1 Robin Gallagher
2 Daniel McGuinness
3 Adam Collins

U10 Boys
1 Adam Butler
2 Philip McKenna
3 Mark Curran

U12 Boys
1 Liam O Sullivan
2 Eoin O Shaughnessy
3 Jack Hevenor-Cronin

U14 Boys
1 Patrick Lynch
2 Barry O Donnell
3 Jason Daly

U8 Girls
1 Ruth Downey
2 Lilian Sheehan
3 Nadine McMahon

U10 Girls
1 Rachel Judge
2 Lauren Ranahan
3 Cara McGregor

U12 Girls
1 Julie Mangan
2 Maggie Mulcair
3 Chantelle Deloughrey

U14 Girls
1 Lucie Costello
2 Ciara Mullane
3 Sinead McCarthy

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