Friday, December 2, 2011

Kildimo Community Notes W/E Dec 3 2011

Mary Ellen griffin Kildimo enjoying Killulta ICA Art Exhib 'Obair na mBan XII' NCWest Library

LIMERICK COUNTY HOUNDS:  On Wednesday November 23 it was the turn of Cartown and district to host the event.  Several foxes were raised and hunted and supposedly huntspersons and hounds enjoyed their pursuit.  There is no record of how the ‘hunted’ regarded their ordeal.  Locals in the neighbourhood of Ardcanny graveyard in Mellon were numbered amongst those who certainly didn’t enjoy the event.  Many of those locals whose parents, grandparents and earlier family generations are interred in this sacred spot were less than amused to find followers of the hunt digging within the graveyard.  When the diggers were confronted they reported a fox had gone to ground, while a later official of the Hunt admitted the digging was to retrieve a terrier that had gone missing.  Another huntsperson on the day reported to a local who found the pack
hunting in his private garden, that the official hunt procedure was not to dig out foxes that had eluded the pack.  Clearly the Hunt followers do not all adhere to the same policy.  This desecration of such a hallowed spot belongs to the long list of unsavoury incidents that often follow such hunts and they add fuel to the anti-hunt lobby that see blood sports as belonging to a past well relegated to history. 
SANTA COMES:  This most welcome visitor is due at the Seven Sisters Pub on December 18.  Application forms accompanied by a €6 fee should be returned to the National School or the Seven Sisters.  Participants will be entertained by Bobo the Clown and there will be many other fun activities in advance of the arrival of Santa.  You can have a photographic record of the meeting by an accredited photographer to delight your child into old age.  As usual the Youth Club are running the event under supervision.  Enquiries and offers of help to Dermot at 087 9319005.  
RECENT DEATHS:  His former neighbours and friends were shocked to hear of the death of Seán Conneely, who resided in Faha for many years.  The late Seán was originally from the Aran Islands and latterly from Rosán Glás, Rahoon, Galway.  His funeral  took place to Kilmurvey Cemetery, Inis Mór on Sunday November 27 following Requiem Mass at the local church.  Sympathy is extended to his wife Sheila, son John and daughters Ciara and Kate. Nuair a thagann an duine go deire rais, ni shin é deire an duine.
The death has taken place on November 12 in England of Gerry Giltinane, formerly of Coolbeg Kildimo where he was born on June 15, 1928. His funeral took place following Requiem Mass in St. Elizabeth Church, Coventry on Tuesday November 22. Deepest sympathy is extended to his wife Mary, his five daughters, son and extended family.
May he rest in peace. 
BANTRACHT NA TUAITHE: The Christmas Book Club meeting and lunch takes place at ‘De Bucket’ Pub, Ferrybridge on Tuesday next Dec 6 commencing at 1pm The book for discussion is ’Point of Rescue’ by Sophi Hannah. On the following night Wednesday December 7, the Christmas guild meeting will be held at ‘The Seven Sisters’ Pub, Old Kildimo commencing at 8.15pm.  All members invited
COMMUNITY LOTTO:  “Give a little, it will help a Lotto”  is the catchy call to support your local Community Lotto.  All profit from this initiative is channelled back into community projects for the benefit of community members.  The Lotto is conducted every Tuesday evening on a rotational basis in local pubs.  On Tuesday November 22, the draw realised numbers 1,2,12 & 15.  As the Jackpot eluded capture, ‘Lucky Dips’ were drawn by Joanne Griffin, Old Kildimo; Rose McKeogh, Coolbeg; Josephine O’Dea, Carheeny; Alison Griffin, Old Kildimo and Mary Bourke, Knockroe.
HELPERS REQUIRED:  The Brothers of Charity, Bawnmore are ever in need of volunteers to assist with their demanding work.  You can be assured that any skills that you have to offer will be welcome and you can likewise be sure that such work will do as much to enrich yourself.  An information session / open day for people interested in volunteering with the organisation will be held in the Training Room, Lakeview, Bawnmore, Limerick between 10.00 a.m. and 12.30 on Tuesday December 6. If you are a walker, a listener, have a sense of fun, enjoy going to the cinema and are willing to partake in individual or group activities, come along and over a cup of tea or coffee you’ll be glad you took that first step.  Enquiries to Seán Gallagher, Brothers of Charity Services Limerick at 061 487086 or 087 9817956.

PALLASKENRY PLAYGROUND FUNDRAISER: Nuala Kavanagh is hosting a ‘Come Dine With Me’ event for the above playground.  A real live past celebrity of the popular show will be a guest at a demonstration of Festive Party Food on Wednesday December 7 in Pallas Community Centre.  If the success and popularity of Nuala’s past demos are anything to go by, you would need to come early and buy your ticket at the door.  You will be greeted with mince pies and mulled wine and the demonstration food will be available at the end of the evening for sampling.  You will also have a chance to win festive spot prizes.  

ALZHEIMER FUNDRAISER:  A ‘Bric-a-Brac’/Cake Sale and social event fundraiser is being held at the Day Centre in Adare on Sunday next , December 4 from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm.  All good saleable items are solicited for this worthy cause which offers a respite to patrons and carers alike.

BIRDWATCH IRELAND:  The Annual Garden-Bird Survey begins on November 28 and it will entertain families for the next thirteen weeks.  If you haven’t done this before, full instructions and the Survey Form is available for download from ‘Birdwatch Ireland’.  You may also enter your count on-line.  This request comes with a ‘warning’; it can be a seriously addictive family activity!
KILDIMO UNITED:  The local Football Club is holding a Table Quiz in Slattery’s Bar Kildimo on this Saturday 3rd of December @ 8.30 Tickets €5 p/p ( team of 4 )
Come along for an enjoyable night out and support the many activities of your local club.
BARKING MAD NIGHT :Limerick Youth Service are organising a major night at the Dogs on this  Saturday 3RD December 2011 at Limerick Dog- track. It promises to be a spectacular night for all the Family  Tickets are just €10 per head and children u16 are free. Group packages are also  now available..  All tickets purchased in advance will go direct to the Youth Service.Limerick Youth Service is a Voluntary organization and has been to the fore in improving the lives of young people in Limerick  over the last 38 years . All  funds that are generated will  go directly back into our clubs, projects and services in the Limerick area. Pick up the phone now and give Edel or  Marie a call at 412444 or call to Glentworth St. 

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