Friday, September 28, 2012

Kildimo Community Notes W/E September 29 2012

COMMUNITY COUNCIL MATTERS: Following the recent AGM of the Community Council, the newly-former Committee is as follows.  Tom Griffin of Faha is the new Chairman with Tommy O’Shea as his Vice Chair.  The position of Secretary remains unchanged with Mary Conway retaining the position.  The new Treasurer is Eddie Lunn.  Dermot Mullane holds his position as Youth Officer and the PRO’s position is unchanged also with Cathy O’Sullivan.  You can meet all these officers on Friday evening, September 28 when the Community Barbeque takes place at ‘De Bucket’.  Tickets are still available from any member of the Committee or at the door on the night.  There will be live music from local artists and a video presentation will be made outlining the present and future plans for the community.  Much consideration will be given on the night in regard to next year’s ‘Gathering’ festival and you are solicited to bring any plans you might have for this important event for discussion.

ANNIVERSARIES:  Deceased members of the community who are commemorated at this time include John Watts, Anne Walsh, Mary Gallagher, Joe Quinn and Willie Harte.

RECENTLY DECEASED:  The sister of Helen Quilty of Old Kildimo passed away recently and sympathy is extended to Helen and other family members. 

FURNITURE RESTORATION:  A course in tackling restoration techniques for furniture is available free for those in receipt of social welfare payments.  The venue is Askeaton Community Hall and it begins on October 2 and will run for six weeks on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  If interested call Irene on 069 66298 or 087 2298204.

‘THANK YOU’:  The organisers of the recent fundraising event to feed the hungry of Zwelishle in South Africa wish to record their gratefulness to those who baked and those who appreciated their efforts.  The initiative raised in excess of €2,000, all of which will be put to good use in the impoverished township, by buying local produce and distributing it  at  Christmas to local citizens of  the shanty town.  Local volunteers on the ground in S.A. will give of their time to prepare the bags of a nourishing selection of food with the personal supervision of Bernadette Hackett and her husband.

CELEBRATE SPEECH:  Limerick Toastmasters will host Humorous Speech and Table Topics Competitions. Guests are invited to attend, and see professional Public Speakers demonstrate their skills, on Monday October 8 at 7.45 pm at the Savoy Hotel Henry Street.

ANNUAL SALE OF WORK:  Pallaskenry Community Council is hosting their annual fundraising event on Sunday October 7 from 2.30 pm.  This is the main source of funding to keep the Community Centre at the centre of community activity.  It has recently had a major overhaul, thanks mainly to West Limerick Resources funding, but the local financial input must back up state funding.  By attending this enjoyable evening and donating useful resalable items, you can ensure the continuation of the services of the Community Centre.

GAA LOTTO:  The new Jackpot is now €3.900 and the numbers drawn on Monday September 17 were 1, 4, 13 & 20.  As no member predicted this combination, €50 Lucky Dips were drawn by Tom Griffin, Knockroe; Eileen Fitzgerald, Tarbert; R. Shanahan and Ml.  Murphy.

WORLD SUCIDE PREVENTION DAY: A coffee morning is being arranged by the local ICA on this Thursday September 27 in ‘The Seven Sisters’ Pub, Old Kildimo commencing at 10.00 to 12.00. Proceeds from this event will go towards holding Wellness Workshops to empower persons to manage their own mental health and to identify how they can support anyone with difficulties. Your support /voluntary donations would be much appreciated.

BOXERCISE:  This exciting newer and fun way to exercise continues at Copswood College from 7.00 to 8.00 pm every Tuesday.  All and any fitness level is accommodated.  For further information contact John Penny at 087 9115411 or on Facebook.

NEW ARRIVALS:  Congratulations to the brothers McCauley Thomas and Joseph who recently witnessed the expansion of their clan by the happy delivery of bonny babies.

POSTCARD COMPETITION:  Unfortunately due to lack of interest and submissions, the competition to provide a postcard that would illustrate our village and environs, has to be cancelled.  The only known postcard ever published for the area was an old ‘black and white’  photograph of Shanpallas or the Castle of Kenry.  This need not prevent you producing your own postcard of Kildimo for public sale.

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