Killulta Painters,Kildimo 'Obair na mBan XIII' Art Exhibition
RECENTLY DECEASED: The death of Kitty Loftus of Ballyoshea was met with sadness by all who knew her. This took place in St. John’s Hospital on Friday November 9 after a short illness. Her removal took place from Downey’s Funeral Home Pallaskenry on Sunday November 11, to St Joseph’s Church Kildimo, from where her funeral took place to Kilcornan Graveyard following Requiem Mass on the following Monday. She is survived by her sons, daughters, sisters, extended family and a large circle of her friends .may she rest in peace.
ANNIVERSARIES: Deceased members of our community whose memory is recalled at Masses over the weekend includes the O’Shaughnessy and Hickey families on Thursday and Joe Nealon, Marie Cowley and Naresh Chaudri in Sunday noon Mass.
MUNGRET HERITAGE: The Mungret Heritage Society continues their interesting series on the history of their ancient and sacred place. On Wednesday next November 14, the subject of the lecture is ‘Recent Archaeological finds in the area’. Tea included with free lectures.
COMMUNITY ALERT: Unfortunately interest or lack of it in Community Alert is greatly influenced by criminality in the local area. As the crime statistics in this area do not command headlines, in consequence the Community Alert organisation maintains a low profile. An alert community is a vital resource in keeping our community safe and a meeting on the subject will be held in the Seven Sisters Pub,Old Kildimo on Monday November 19 at 8.00 pm. Your attendance is solicited and will be welcome.
BANTRACHT NA TUAITHE: The Killulta Painters of Kildimo ICA opened their art exhibition in Newcastle West library last week-end. Participating artists include Dolores Dinneen, Kathleen Griffin, Mary O’Rourke and Bridie Toomey.Entitled ‘Obair na mBan XIII’ this exhibition will be hanging for the next two weeks and well worth a visit.
YOUTH CLUB: This year’s club is vibrant with over twenty members. As always, helpers are necessary to ensure the continuance of activities including soccer, basketball, uni-hoc, volleyball and table games. Outings to the bowling alley on the Ennis Road are always a popular activity of club members who are also planning Santa’s party for their younger siblings. This will take place at the ‘Seven Sisters’ on the afternoon of Sunday December 16. Should you wish to give some time to this important amenity, contact Dermot Mullane at 087 9319005.
BIRDWATCHING: The local Limerick branch of Birdwatch Ireland invites you to join their members at Curragh Chase Forest Park on Saturday November 17 at 9.45 am. As a concession the entrance barrier will be up to facilitate free entry. Warm and dark clothing, strong footwear and binoculars will enhance your enjoyment of the event during which you may spot the elusive jay, long a resident of the area, along with Brambling, Tree Creepers and others. Leave dogs at home for their own exclusive visit at a later date. The leaders Tom Tarpey and Maura Turner will gladly supply any details at 087 927972.
MAP ALERTER: This is a new service provided free by Limerick Co Co (along with other counties). Its purpose is to provide registered users with alerts as to possible disruptions that might influence your life. These include road closures, water shutdowns and other services that may be affected. You must register for this service by providing contact details of your phones or e-mail addresses and alerting messages are free and your details will only be used for this service. All details on
EDUCATION: An education supports workshop by Play Therapist Edel Lawlor on how to support school children with behaviour management issues including understanding emotions behind behaviour, issues based on the neuroscience of the brain, strategies to support the child, toolkit of resources and behaviour management techniques on Wednesday November 28 from 7.30-9.30pm in the Newcastle West Family and Community Hub (Upstairs Newcastle West Community Centre). FREE to teachers, SNAs and childcare workers etc. Contact Theresa on 069 79113 or email
KENRY HISTORY SOCIETY: ‘The Castles and Tower Houses of Co Limerick’ is the next topic for the lecture on Wednesday November 21, at Kilcornan Community Centre. The speaker Joseph Lennon, Ph. D researcher, has put many years of painstaking work into this project which will appear later in book form. The evolution of these buildings will be described from their initial function as fortresses, to tower houses and later larger dwellings with a fortified appearance. The lecturer has visited these buildings, battling with briars, hostile bovines and treacherous conditions underfoot, to survey them personally. He has also visited sites of buildings long gone from the landscape and suggests details of them from maps and written sources. In the Kildimo area he has taken an especial interest in a tower house that ‘fell’ in mysterious circumstances and like all dedicated academics, he is still willing to add to his unique and voluminous knowledge of such structures. Be there for 8.00 pm.
GAA LOTTO: The new Jackpot is now €4,600 and the numbers drawn on November 5 were 2. 3. 23 & 26 which were not chosen by any punter. As a consequence, €50 Lucky Dips of €50 were drawn by Adrian Garvey, Oliver Naughton, Seamus Hannon and Maurice Fennessy.
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